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50 shades beyond gray: furniture trends
Affleck house: Frank Lloyd Wright's first design in Bloomfield Hills 
Back to reality: organizational tips for back to school
Closet envy: upgrade the master closet
Coming our of the closet: it's now a place of its own
Douglas dream house: how a 150-year-old house was reborn
The fireplace IS the art: natural materials breathe new life into the home
Hue are you?: color is the spice of life
Ideal starter home: tour features Brian and Rose Bolyard's new home
It's a cave new world: man caves - the space you need
Lake house chic: everything but the water
Modern design: updating to techno and graffiti urban
Refresh and renew: before and after makeovers
Set the mood: with a romantic bedroom
Set the stage: let the furniture tell your story
Smart homes: technology adds convenience and control
Statement powder rooms: the workhorse of the house goes luxe
Summer with Celerie: one of today's new design luminaries
Turnkey design: Birmingham Design finds one of a kind pieces
Universally awesome: tips for aging in place


Bates Street Society: Community House Pillars of Vibrancy
Fine Art of Summer fundraiser: for Birmingham-Bloomfield Art Center
Fundraiser for Variety: 85 years of enriching the lives of children
Jay Leno headlines: Beaumont's fundraiser for Crohn's disease
The little city that saved a house: Preservation Bloomfield
Rebel Nell: women in homeless shelters turn graffiti into jewelry
Returning vets: DAR holds baby shower for returning veteran moms
The Detroit Historical Society: celebration at the historic Packard Plant
Variety Gala at the Emagine: a star is born
Voluntourism: Jeannette Saquet has a vision for clean water


A new breed of vehicle: Bob Lutz
Birmingham's Our Town art show and sale: Robert Dempster 
Chef Andy Hollyway: the road less taken led to Selden Standard
Christ Church Cranbrook: Rev. Bill Danaher comes to Christ Church
Friday night lights: Griffin Romney makes Cranbrook history
Jeff Reider: 63-year-old Ironman
Jessica Woll: family lawyer
Liz DuMouchelle: the quiet art collector
Prom: tradition with a twist
Racky Hoff: mayor of Birmingham
Rolodex Diva: Lois Shaevsky - the networkers shall inherit the earth
Shirley Maddalena: award-winning interior designer
Stuart Sherr: mayor of Bloomfield Hills
The house whisperers: Bob Newell and Brent Ballard
Tom Lewand: off the grid and on the clock
Wei Yu: principal cellist of the DSO -  from Shanghai to Detroit
Women's heart disease: Florine Ministrelli and Dr. Pam Marcovitz


Australia and Fiji: the lands down under
Revisiting European capitals: a surprise visit with Pope Francis
Woodward Dream Cruise: the world's largest one-day automotive event​

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